Two job vacancies available
There are currently two job vacancies available for Headless Human: Background animator and Promo artist. Information for applying will be provided below!
Background animator
Job Summary: This animator will be animating objects for the background. In the large majority, this will involve animating plants swaying in the wind, however there will be other animations necessary, such as clocks ticking, windows rattling etc. Below are images of the backgrounds for my game and some of the character designs, for reference.
How to Apply: In order to apply, please submit the following to with the email heading, “Background Animator Application”: 1. A link to your portfolio, 2. Your sketch of plants in the balcony image (on the left and below). The bottom balcony is owned by a certain individual called Vincent. He is a wealthy man with a love of succulents and vine plants. Vincent has gone missing which has allowed the plants to overgrow for two weeks (It’s not a lot of time, but it should be clear the plants are unkempt). Please also include a chair and a table. Don’t add anything to the upper balcony. I’d also recommend using the plant present in the room image at bottom of this page for a reference, although using your own aesthetic sense works too. The animator that is employed will be paid for the sketch that they’ve created for this application.
Payment format
Payment will be negotiated following the application phase and paid per task.
Extra links to our game
Our steam page and game site is incomplete without promo art, however you are welcome to use them for more references to our game’s aesthetic!
2. Promo Artist
Job Summary: This artist will be making all of the promo material for our Steam page, web page as well as our upcoming Kickstarter. The promo art will be conceptually designed on my end, however the task will ideally be collaborative. Examples of how the promo material will look will be provided upon employment.
How to Apply: Simply submit a link to your portfolio to, with the email heading, “Promo artist Application”
Payment format
Payment will be negotiated following the application phase and paid per task.
Extra links to our game
Our steam page and game site is incomplete without promo art, however you are welcome to use them for more references to our game’s aesthetic!
Examples of our game’s aesthetic